New Tech in Water Conservation | Dream House Builder

dream house builder Camelot Homes

Saving water is a high priority for much of the western United States, but perhaps even more concerning for those living in the Sonoran Desert. Here are some simple and inexpensive high-tech gadgets for the eco-friendly homeowner.

Pool Covering Innovations

Many of the luxury homes in this region have beautifully manicured outdoor living spaces complete with a rather large swimming pool. Unfortunately, the harsh Arizona sun leaves homeowners susceptible to massive amounts of water evaporation nearly 12 months a year. Traditional swimming pool covers made of plastic can reduce these risks substantially. However, recent innovations in this technology include a new “liquid pool covering,” which is essentially a chemical enhancement to the pool water that is 75 percent as effective as the standard plastic cover. It’s great for reducing water evaporation during those times when the pool is in use.

Weather-Based Irrigation Controllers (WBICs)

As your dream house builder, we have discovered a wide  variety of new WBICs on the market, each providing a different range of opportunities for water conservation. The ETwater system is smart technology that acts like a thermostat for the outdoor sprinkler system by monitoring the local weather conditions and tailoring the watering schedules accordingly. Another option is the Weathermatic. Its unique feature is its ability to evaluate the moisture levels in the surrounding landscape of the home, signaling the system to override itself when moisture levels are already too high.

High-Efficiency Washing Machines

Did you know that top-loading washing machines use less water than front loaders? They also extract larger amounts of water from the clothes through their high-speed spin cycles, which reduces dryer time, too. High-efficiency washing machines take this concept to the next level. They use even less water and provide even higher-intensity spin cycles, making them the preferred washing machine of conservationists around the world. To save even more water and energy, be careful not to overload the washing machine and to only wash clothes in cold water.

As the leading dream house builder in the Valley, Camelot Homes is dedicated to helping homeowners learn effective methods for conserving water. We believe that even the little things can make a big difference.