Camelot Through The Lens Of Mark Boisclair

October 31, 2013


Firenze at Grayhawk

“Photography is more than a medium for factual communication of ideas. It is a creative art.”  ~ Ansel Adams

These days it seems that anyone with an iPhone fancies himself a photographer. The popularity of apps such as Instagram, Twit Pic and other online photo-sharing services, has enabled amateur users to take pictures, apply digital filters to them, and share them on a variety of social networking services, such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Flickr. Smack a filter on it and suddenly everyone is an artist.


Amateur Photographer Julie Hancock

But don’t go quitting your day job. When it comes to the art of professional architectural photography there will never be a substitute for the real deal. Over two decades ago, Camelot Homes found just that photographer, and the results ever since have been nothing short of extraordinary. In a phone interview we conducted with Phoenix-based architectural photographer Mark Boisclair, we asked if he had a favorite Camelot project that stood out in his mind; without pausing Mr. Boisclair replied, “The custom Verandah home at Silverleaf is really the pinnacle of their work. They pulled out all the stops on that one and it was simply a joy to photograph.”


Custom Home by Camelot- Verandah at Silverleaf

As any professional photographer would attest, having a beautiful subject makes the job much easier. At Camelot Homes, every architectural detail is arduously considered, not only structurally but for aesthetic beauty as well. We believe that although our homes are exceptional to begin with, it is always in our interest to employ people who are masters of their trade. From the seriously talented team of interior designers at Design Line Interiors, to the craftsmen who create our wrought iron fixtures, we bring in people who will best showcase our remarkable product. Then, in comes Mark Boisclair to bring it to life so we can share it with the world.


Firenze at Grayhawk

When we asked Mark Boisclair if he could offer one primary tip on photography for the home:

“At dusk there is a ‘sweet spot.’ A precise moment when the outside and inside are producing the same amount of light. For an exquisite interior shot you should have a small amount of remaining daylight coming in the room. Dusk is best for an exterior shot as well, with the interior lights turned on. This is the sweet spot for architectural photography.”

Here are some of our other favorites throughout the years:


Exterior Pool Shot at Dusk


Mark Boisclair Photography, Inc.

Verandah at Silverleaf



Master Bathroom- Custom Home, Verandah at Silverleaf


Office: (480) 367-4300

Sales: (602) 818-3725

ROC# B-067408

Designated Broker: Cameron Beckert

Corporate Office

6607 N. Scottsdale Rd.

Suite H-100

Scottsdale, AZ 85250

Design Studio

6611 N. Scottsdale Rd.

Scottsdale, AZ 85250


© Copyright 2024 Camelot Homes. The floorplans and elevations of Camelot Homes are copyrighted. We have enforced and will continue to vigorously enforce our federal copyrights. In a continuing effort to meet changing conditions, Camelot Homes reserves the right to make or modify features, specifications and/or prices without notice or obligation. In addition, special wall and window treatments, upgraded floor coverings, landscaping, custom-designed walks and patio treatments, and many other items featured in and around the model homes are decorator items and may not be included in the base price. All square footages are approximate. Renderings are artists’ illustrations. See your sales representative for further details. No offer to sell or lease can be made and no offer to purchase or lease can be accepted prior to issuance of Arizona Subdivision public report.

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